The law of Thermodynamics says a resounding "NO"!
Good luck with convincing a fundamentalist of scientific laws of physics.
your jws do seem to read from the same hymn book, oops, kingdom song sheets or whatever different term they may employ to separate them sheep from us goats.
and like sheep, they certainly are!
reading from prepared scripts like mindless telesalesmen.
The law of Thermodynamics says a resounding "NO"!
Good luck with convincing a fundamentalist of scientific laws of physics.
i am unable to respond to your new thread, and only your new thread, there is no box to add comment on it.
I am unable to respond to your new thread, and only your new thread, there is no box to add comment on it.
i've had so much anger and depression over the last 6 years.
when i left the b0rg i replaced people i hardly knew with my family... i had so many psychological problems then and when those relationships failed i turned to drugs, self harm through burning and cutting and even was hospitalized a few times because i tried to kill myself.
i was in and out of toxic relationships with people who i thought i needed to complete me as a person.. about two years ago i hit another 'rock bottom' in my life and was drinking and using cocaine and was completly cycling in another jw's guilt pity party.
How inspirational is that? Good for you Growin'! It sure sounds like a springtime blossoming to me. Congrats and Good Wishes on Ya!
mitch hederg was a good comedian.
Steven Lynch is my favorite lately, his funny songs tear me up, especially "the satan song"! (On Youtube)
i'm one of the few jws that freely admit our faults and mistakes.. let's compare notes!.
The trouble with the rat race is even if you "win", you are still a rat!
religious christendom's heavy blood guilt!.
to pair the word hate with christian, would really be foriegn to the hearer of that combination of words, wouldn't it?
that would certainly be nothing the founder of christianity would be guilty of, would it?
Oh Please. Feed it to the mice....Oh yeah, mice are more discriminating.
is it more interesting to the elders if the sister doing naughty things is sexy?
or is it just uncomfortable for everyone no matter what?
do their questions get more or less detailed depending on looks?
Why JP do you assume it is a sister doing "naughty things"? HMMMM? My opinion is that anyone who submits to outside influence in matters of sex is off kilter in some way or another. Exhibitionist perhaps? I think that to invite strangers (and elders really are strangers) into ones bedroom betrays the persons lover (whether they are married or not). Who, in this day and age would do such a thing as to willfully engage in an intimate (look up the definition) act with a person, and then through their own faults (guilt), discuss and accuse the partner? And who, but a pornography (look up that definition as well ) user would entertain the notion of asking for verbal description of a persons encounters? Then let's consider that the people asking of such descriptions are sexually stunted, and immature. Would a normal person trust their judgement? LW
has anyone got advice on what to do when your car headliner starts to lose its adhesive and then begins sagging?
my car is eleven years old and it sags on either side and is now only adering down the middle.
i dont have money to repair it like it should be.
If that wont work for your situation, use plastic trim from the local hardware store. order it cut to the width of the roof plus about four inches. Get three peices. It bends and you can hook it right into the upper trim of the roof of your vehicle. LW
has anyone got advice on what to do when your car headliner starts to lose its adhesive and then begins sagging?
my car is eleven years old and it sags on either side and is now only adering down the middle.
i dont have money to repair it like it should be.
FHN What I do is use thumbtacks to hold it up. Make like three rows of four tacks. Depending on the make of your auto this should work for a good while. lw
sorry if this has already been posted.. purps.
by tammy j. mccoy.
Thanks for the post Purplesofa. I googled the name Andrew Sinay, and found this amoungst other things. It is his statement in court that sprang out to me. Sounds like victim blaming to me, as he basically says in court that the child was "uncovered" and that is the moment that she was touched! What do you guys think? LW Here is the link http://prince.ort/msg/105/267242